PinnedJude, Alone: The Effects of Too Much Pain in Fiction“I wished her story was over. I didn’t want to hear it anymore. All of a sudden I was scared, scared of the feelings she’d had, and I’d…Jun 24, 20213Jun 24, 20213
Published inAn Injustice!Esperemos que siquiera les guste la musiquita — Authorship in Emilia PérezWho lives? Who dies? Who tells your story?Jan 318Jan 318
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Mediocre? Perhaps. Just a Little Furious about FuriosaRather than dying historic on the fury road, it came to a sputtering halt before self-implodingJun 6, 20243Jun 6, 20243
Being Seen by Others as Ace is a GiftOr why other people having sex shouldn’t bug me but it does.Apr 10, 20244Apr 10, 20244
Published inShort. Sweet. Valuable.A Hypocrite Hypochondriac“There are a thousand things a day that can kill you, and I don’t see how you don’t see it.” — Grey’s AnatomyApr 4, 2024Apr 4, 2024
Published inLong. Sweet. Valuable.To write, or not to write, in EnglishIs it fair to ask foreign writers to give up their mother-tongue in favor of being commercially appealing?Mar 28, 2024Mar 28, 2024
A Void that Thinks: Elements of Magical Realism in Welcome to Night ValeHello readers. To start things off, a query: can the podcast Welcome to Night Vale be categorized as magical realism?Oct 19, 2023Oct 19, 2023